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Privacy Plocy

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Privacy Policy

We are committed to offering our customers the ultimate privacy and protection of any personal info when visiting our website. In order to maintain high standards of customer service and get your booking done efficiently, we may ask for personal info like your name, home address, email address, and phone number.

Personal Information

Please note that you may visit our website or call our experts at any time to ask about prices, deals, or for any other assistance without providing any personal info.

Membership Information

Becoming a member is an easy and quick process that can be done in just a few steps, allowing you to book your travels at any time. After your registration, you’ll have a personal travel profile to update your info on like your credit card info, frequent or preferred airline, and more travel preferences. For signing up for the service, you’ll be required to provide your name, email, home address, and phone number. You can update all your info on your personal profile whenever you like. With an updated profile, we’ll easily be able to match you to your preferred services and meet your needs faster.

Transaction Information

In order to book a service, you will be required to provide personal info like your billing and shipping address, phone number, credit card info (exp. Date, security code, etc.)

Promo Newsletter and SMS Service

We will frequently update you with our services and offers through auto-dialed/ pre-recorded telephone marketing calls, text messages, or emails through your provided phone number or email address. Consent on these services is NOT a condition to purchase anything.

Subscription Information

Even if you’re not a member, you can sign up for our newsletter and receive updates from us about our special services and deals through email. You only need to provide your email address to start activating this service.

Contests/ Sweepstakes Participation

You may enter contests or sweepstakes held without being a member, signing up for our newsletter, or conducting a transaction. However, when you do enter, you will be required to provide specific personal info to further consider your participation.

How is the personal info used?

When a transaction is done and a purchase is made, your personal info will be used with the third party needed to complete the service. For example, the airline, hotel, insurance company, etc. and it will also be shared with your credit card company for the transaction to go through. Please note that we are a middleman, simplifying the transaction between you and the vendor or service provider.

As a member or website visitor, you will receive promotions from us or service providers updating you with recent offers or updates which may include:

  • Any updates on your trip like a flight cancellation or hotel update, certain information regarding your planned travel or arrangements.
  • Any modifications or updates to our website
  • Any offers, sweepstakes, or promotions from us
  • Third-party notifications or promotions that we think will interest you based on your current or past choices. These may include events or offers sponsored by us or vendors. If you enter any competition or contest, your personal info will be used to verify and carry through your participation and receive your award in case of winning.

Please note that you will be able to choose if you’d like to receive this info from us and third-party providers or not.

Also, to further enhance our service, we partner with third-party vendors to conduct marketing research and analysis and so, certain information may be used (it is restricted to marketing research needs ONLY). All your personal info is protected under confidentiality agreements.

In the event of our company, website, or assets are acquired – your personal information may be included in the transferred assets. However, third parties are restricted to using your info for promotional services only and are subjected to our Privacy Policy.

Security is our number one priority, your personal information will NOT be sold or rented to any third parties and will remain confidential if not needed for the purchase.

Important notes for security:
Our security system is an advanced and safe platform designed to protect All customer info, the system includes firewall technologies, instruction detection systems, logical network segmentation, restricted storage areas, and restrictions to our database and systems.
You log into the platform by password, however, it is important to log out at the end of every session so others won’t have access to your personal info. If you ever forget or wish to change your password, we will walk you through the process to get it done quickly.
ONLY authorized personnel have access to your personal info, we use an SSL website which is utilized by most businesses and Netscape and Microsoft Explorer to encrypt your personal info on the internet. Added advancements and encryption is used to transfer sensitive info like your credit card info for example.
However, since we do not control internet transmissions through commercial internet providers – we cannot guarantee full protection of all info transmitted online. You have an important role in this protection which includes using a secure device and keeping your password private.

What is other non-personal info we collect?

When using the website, the system automatically detects software info like the IP address, browser versions, operating systems, etc. and the numbers of pages accessed to analyze the website’s traffic and usage trends. This is NOT considered personal info, as it is detected through most websites and during internet usage.
To optimize the user experience and recognize you from visits we partner with thirdparties, advertisers, and use cookies (information stored on the web browser) on your computer’s hard drive. You can enable or disable this feature from your end and there is software that can detect cookies and asks for approval before submitting anything. Cookies and pixel tags may be used by our advertisers to track patterns, usage, and to target our website advertisements. Please be informed that our website used Google Analytics for marketing purposes, to advertise online. And so, other vendors and Google may show ads from on other websites.Third-party vendors and Google use cookies to collect relevant info and optimize ads and their display according to your info, previous usage, and online searches.

What is not covered by this Privacy Policy?

It is important to note that this privacy policy does NOT apply to companies or websites that we do not control or own, this includes links that lead to other sites from our website that we do not manage. These companies or websites may have different privacy policies or not have one at all so please be sure to investigate their privacy policy before providing any personal info.